Contact the 868-Directory now

Bolinas and Stinson Beach Community Phonebook

Welcome to the 868-Directory

What makes people who live near each other into a community?

Talking to your neighbors, for starters!

What It Would Be Like To Have Your Own Town Phone Book?

>If you've surfed here from somewhere else, don't you wonder what would happen to your community if you started its own little phone book?

>If you're part of West Marin county near Bolinas, Stinson Beach and Dogtown, submit your name and phone number to our personal listings at the "SUBMIT & UPDATE LISTINGS" button above. We list kids, house guests and couch surfers. If you have an unlisted number that you want to keep private but want your friends to have it, how about listing it under the family pet's name?

*Have a business or a much-loved livelihood you are trained for, but assume there's no call for it near where you live? Try advertisting in the 868-Directory. Our rates start at a ridiculous $25. for the entire year! Your neighbors want to know what you can do for them. Use the button above that says: "FOR ADVERTISERS"

*Get a current edition of the 868-Directory at West Marin businesses in Bolinas: at Bolinas Market & in Stinson Beach at Flying Pig Ranch video and ice cream store. It's a handbook, 8" X 7" size. It's usually a bright color so you can find it on your desk.

*Most "real" businesses have a display ad. Costs start at $30. ($50. for vertical cards.) Pull out your business card, write a check to "Franis Engel" and send it to POB 868, Bolinas, CA 94924 or We want everyone to be a part of the 868-Directory, so we make our advertising rates only pay for production costs. We sell the phone book to make advertising affordable.

The 868-DIRECTORY email:
OUR ADDRESS is: 868-DIRECTORY POB 868 Bolinas, CA. 94924
OUR PHONE NUMBER IS: 415 868-0420
The NEXT edition DEADLINE IS OCT. 15TH, 2011
...and yes, if we can, we'll fit you in somewhere if you're late.

The origin of a directory in Bolinas started in 1969, with a few hand written, mimeographed, stapled pages. For two decades the 868-Directory was called the Bolinas Yellow Pages. ..This yellow name comes back to haunt every time the 868-Directory cover is yellow. In the past, Betty Stortz, Charlie & Mary Lu Ross were publishers and now Franis Engel makes it happen.
Check out what else Franis Engel does - part of the reason she took over the phone book was because she was in so many listings. Alexander Technique teacher, juggling teacher, music teacher, house painter, sign painter of art on windows and banners for events, graphic artist, logo designer, fine artist, house-sitter, cat trainer, astrologer, writer & reviewer!! Really, can someone have too many businesses?