If you've seen the other pages on this site, perhaps now you're here to get private Alexander lessons, or some information about Alexander Technique classes. Maybe you would like to participate more directly by adding to this site or making a comment on it. The first step is to send off an email or give a call.
email now or directly to: franis@franis.org
Voice phone in Waikoloa, Big Island of Hawaii: 808-883-3334
Voice phone in Bolinas, California, Sept.- Dec. 415-868-0420
Franis Engel has taught Alexander Technique since 1985. Engel has applied Alexander Technique to a congenital knee and voice problem, changing her speaking style, biking, swimming, juggling, singing, walking on stilts, healing a hip sprain involving sciatica and learning how to talk to complete strangers without flinching.
She began training to teach Alexander Technique starting in 1978, at the certified Alexander Technique teacher training course once known as ACAT in San Francisco, CA. with Frank Ottiwell and Giora Pinkas. She continued her training for the next ten years in trade for writing about Marj Barstow's unique approach to teaching A.T. (Marj Barstow was the first graduate in the 1930s of F.M. Alexander's first training course.) In 1981, Franis was featured with speaking parts in a video made about Marj Barstow's life. Since then, Franis been talking about Alexander Technique to anyone who expresses a vague interest. She's a writer and reviewer for Direction, an AT trade magazine on the Alexander Technique. Engel is a published author; having written and continuing to write many online articles. Her written works about Alexander Technique was included in a book publication for describing alternative health possibilities that is routinely distributed to nursing and medical schools. She has also written a handbook for her students titled, "Use Your Head." Exerpts Much of the writing for the pages featured on this site were first written in early 1980 when she was only twenty six years old!
Franis' speciality is making Alexander Technique easy to learn and simple to understand for groups of people.
Franis Engel teaches Alexander Technique at workshops of other skills by invitation. She maintains a private practice in Waikoloa on the Big Island of Hawaii most of the year. While in CA, (in 2009, Sept. through mid-Dec.) she teaches privately in Marin County and San Diego while living in Bolinas, CA.
Most Alexander teachers recommend that to gain proficiency in using the Alexander Technique for yourself that you take twenty to forty lessons.
The fastest way to study Alexander Technique is with a qualified teacher.
Because students learn so much easier with a learning partner, consider the "two for one" arrangement
where another person of your choice or who has indicated interest shares lessons with you.
Partnering during learning enhances value, reinforce new challenges and shares costs.
Or consider sharing lessons with someone to help remind you to practice what you learn.
Costs for private lesson with Franis are $65. for a 45 min. lesson. $80. for a 85 min. shared lesson.
The cost of the first private or shared lesson will be credited back to you if you pay for the next
eight lessons within a week of the first lesson. If you pay for eight lessons at a time, ($360.)
the price per each private lesson goes down to $45 each.
For the first month, it's best if your lessons are a minimum of twice a week. The best place
to learn is your own familiar environment - your home, car and places of work.
Franis Engel, teacher of F.M. Alexander's Technique
In the Big Island of Hawaii:
P.O. Box 702 Honoka'a, HI 96727
Located in Waikoloa Village, HI
(808) 883-3334
In California:
P.O. Box 868
Bolinas, CA
USA 94924
If you'd like to link to this site, let me know by emailing me above. Thanks!
Check out this site further by returning to
Alexander Technique Simplified.
Franis Engel
Woodstock, NY 2002