This portal of features Alexander Technique Simplified.
What is in all the links are explained below.
New Classes! offered in Waimea-Kamuela on the Big Island of Hawaii. Starts Feb. 25th, twice weekly (Monday and Thursday, 6pm-7:30pm) for three weeks through Mar. 13th, 2008. Sign up for this discounted class series sponsored by Waimea Community Education at or by calling (808) 885-1539. It's a great value, only $10. per class!
How capable is anyone of self-improvement? Read what the Technique has given people,
all here in an unbelievable list of benefits. These are testimonials of opening
Alexander Technique is rumored to be impossible to put into words. Read a list of how other people
have defined it here.
If you've had Alexander lessons and want to be able to say something intelligent when asked what it is,
from this page you can try these fill-in-the-blank sentences,
For those who might
be feeling academic, here is a longwinded, but very complete encyclopedia style definition.
Planned and coming soon is a page of the current edits of Alexander Technique definition I wrote for that stayed up for three years.
"The Technique" is unusual for an amazing number of original concepts and fascinating ideas, such as how to be self-aware without being self-conscious. Learn three of the most important Alexander principles and how they work together here.
Why so people stop doing the Alexander Technique? Cautions, disadvantages, pitfalls, discouragements,
and strange things that happen to Alexander students. Read about these secrets so that you can avoid
these common discouragements,
If you're signing up for
classes in Alexander Technique or about to,
about what happens at classes and other tips, check out this page about the newest Alexander Technique class
To go on to the page where you can arrange to learn Alexander Technique in an in-person private lesson from Franis Engel, who teaches in Sausalito and Bolinas in Marin County, CA. Contact here. (Contact info is also at the foot of this page.)
If you are familiar with the Alexander Technique, report your experiences
here, - anonymously or signed, as you like. Tell web surfers your story of how and why you continue to learn Alexander Technique, what it has done for you, and have links to your webpage or a webpage of your choice.