If you've seen the other pages on this site and you would like to participate with this site more directly, please send your comments, questions, links and contributions by
email now or send directly to franis@franis.org
Check out the other pages that Franis Engel has on the rest of her site. In particular, try out the way Franis teaches three ball juggling, using Alexander Technique abstracted and applied principles.
Check out this site further by returning to
Alexander Technique Simplified.
Can someone learn Alexander Technique without a teacher? Here's a site with online lessons suitable for beginner's experiments, at the Performance School.
If you've already had some Alexander lessons, you might want to look at a free online lesson in the form of guided observations from an Alexander Technique teacher from the Performance School named
Stacy Gehman.
AlexanderTechnique.com is the largest, most comprehensive site with many online articles.
Here's another site featuring an Alexander Technique teacher named Pedro de Alcantara, who specializes in
teaching musicians.
ATI is one of the professional associations of Alexander teachers. This is their page that give a list of
books written about Alexander Technique.
Check out this site further by returning to
Alexander Technique Simplified.